Tips to Prepare Your Classic Car for Winter
As the weather begins to cool, it's time to start planning your prep work for maintaining your classic car. In the winter months, you want to be sure to keep your ride put up, to avoid any potential damages that could occur from the harsh weather. Luckily, if you aren't sure where to begin, Farm Boy Garage will break it down for you! Keep reading to learn our top tips on how to prepare your classic car for winter! Tip #1: Clean & Maintain You don't want you classic car restoration to go to waste, so you'll need to be sure to thoroughly clean your vintage ride to avoid corrosion and to keep your car from getting scratched up when you put the cover over it. You also should invest in having maintenance done to your vehicle before storing it for the winter. This includes changing the oil, replace fluids, and take it to a professional if you aren't sure of how to do proper maintenance. Tip #2: Inflate Your Tires To keep your tires from developing flat spots,...